If you’re not willing to be embarrassed by it, you don’t deserve it.

Spouses. Work. Dreams. Goals. Money. Publications.

If you’re not willing to be embarrassed in your pursuit of something then BYE you probably don’t deserve it.

We’ve all been through that super awkward middle school phase, right? Some more than others. My hand is raised a little higher on that one.


I ran track and one of the events I tried was hurdles which is basically asking for the ego of anyone to be taken down a notch. Yet the best athletes are televised and they might accidentally travel, pass to the opposing team or get tongue-tied on their interview. But they’re still playing and practicing for 6+ figure salaries.

Actors and actresses get turned down daily and have some pretty demanding scenes that require vulnerability, sometimes in front of a live audience, but they brush it off and continue to work on films that will leave a legacy years after you’re gone.

We see business women, life coaches, personal trainers or friends creating personal brands on Instagram and offering themselves up for the most terrifying form of criticism: their peers.


But, as one of my favorite mantras  featured at the top here reminds us…

“Well done is better than well said.” -Benjamin Franklin

It’s been called failing forward, fall down seven stand up eight, get knocked down but I get up again, risk it for the biscuit….you get the picture. There is a reason that every interview, graduation speech, mentor and leader repeats the same thing over and over.

Try something before you discredit the fact you can’t even attempt it.

Post the dang photo…who cares what people say!

If you need some tough love then GET OVER YOURSELF and realize there are literally billions of people every single day who are more popular, more intelligent and harder working than you are. That’s why the word ‘growth’ exists.

If you want to write a book, start writing. Start a blog to get noticed and published. I’ll read it.

If you want to be a chef, take a cooking class. Post your beautifully plated mac and cheese on Instagram. I’ll like it.

If you want to be the next Rent The Runway or Poo-Pourri founder (I listened to both of their interviews today. Their success and income is no joke even if the company can be funny) then get out and surround yourself by the networks online and in person. Take a class. Start doing something.


I face embarrassment daily and (surprise) most of it has been in my own head. Apparently it’s something others weren’t even noticing.

Embarrassment each time I write about being viewed as a ‘blogger’ or ‘oversharing’ but I have yet to actually hear that. I actually have friends and family who share what I write, it’s generated business leads and I’ve received messages of appreciation from readers. Absolutely worth it.

Embarrassment of wanting to have achieved much more than I have at this point but I am praised for areas I’ve stepped up and they don’t notice I’ve even ‘fallen short.’

Embarrassment of (currently) bringing in the lowest income I have in years but I’ve felt the most confident, ethical and passionate about what I am doing right now. I’ve got a big vision and have been extremely clear on what direction I want to go. I have saved enough, and spend wisely enough, that we can continue living our lifestyle without being dependent on me receiving more money from an outside source.



In entrepreneurship, business, parenting, just LIFE you HAVE to be willing to take a pay cut, receive publicity, gamble with risks and possibly have the odds stacked against you.

Do it. Get it done. Start somewhere and follow up with the next best choice. It’s never too early to start and it’s never too late to start. Chase your idea. Just freaking do something.

Break the thinking that everything will work out perfectly. Nope, you’re going to get embarrassed and scared. Times will get tough, people will surprise you, you’ll experience burnout. Keep on, goin’.

If you ever give up or avoid doing something ‘for fear of ENTER EXCUSE HERE’ then yeah, you’re right, you don’t deserve it. When I say it I mean the wealth, prosperity, success, publications, opportunities or any other abundant thing that moves you from where you’re out to where you want to be.

It will be way more embarrassing to never try or stay put than it will be to give it a shot.

Remember when you wished for the things you have now?


Lastly, let’s leave with a little sass because who doesn’t need a little fun now and then? If you ever find someone trying to belittle or diminish what you’re trying to do then cut them out, real quick. Your actions will be guided by your thoughts and if your thoughts are based in fear of embarrassment you’re screwing yourself over due to someone who has no impact in your life. Do your thing and let them watch. Let them read what you’re writing. Let them stay curious about where you’re headed and where you’re going. Be encouraged by how far you’ve already come.

I think it’s motivating to read other people’s success stories because there is so much room for everyone! Please share yours in the comments for me to read.




PS: Welcome to June! Want to take the edge off your next big, scary, exciting, possibly embarrassing step? Let’s talk.

PPS: Still have some questions? Here’s a portfolio of some brands I’ve helped achieve their next big thing. Check it out.

2 thoughts on “If you’re not willing to be embarrassed by it, you don’t deserve it.

  1. Dara Stambaugh says:

    Love this one Marin!
    My share:
    I was a successful landscape designer, instructor for design and gardening, business owner and held my degree in horticulture. But then, when I thought I had my life mapped out – with 4 young kids and a wonderful husband, I was diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis and I told I should avoid being in the heat continually. Was I scared? Yes. Was I embarrassed that others would judge and think of me as weak or incapable or diseased? Yes, I still battle with that one, 17 years after I was diagnosed!
    I didn’t have time to “stop and figure it all out”. I had 4 kids to raise and a husband who still loves me unconditionally but we needed my income. So I quickly switched gears, got my real estate license, and went all in. I was scared of the unknown but I understood curb appeal, how to figure out what clients wanted – now it was more than just their yard- and we had designed and built our own home so I understood the process. Well, 16 years later, I am happy to say that I have been an office broker for over 7 years, I have wonderful repeat clients and I am the company trainer for new and incoming agents.

    My husband and I just celebrated our 33rd anniversary. Three of our 4 kids have graduated college and the 4th will graduate a semester early this December. Two are happily married, one is engaged to the woman of her dreams and the 4th is an extremely confident, gorgeous and kind young woman. We have two beautiful, fun grandbabies.

    None of this would have happened if I had been afraid to move forward. If I had gotten in bed and pulled the covers over my head, which believe me, was very tempting many times! If I hadn’t gotten over that fear of sticking a needle in myself in hopes that it would keep me walking. I have now given myself over 2600 shots and I actually feel fortunate to say that if I’m lucky, I will give myself over 6000 more before God calls me home.

    Marin is absolutely right! Don’t let your fears or other people’s beliefs about you determine your future. Be the author of your own life! If your friends/family are true to you, they will cheer you on, no matter how many times you fail. They will not laugh at you but hopefully laugh with you, because if you can’t laugh at yourself and learn from failed attempts than you are going to have a tough road to hoe (sorry still a horticulturist). And lastly but always first, none of this could be realized for me if I didn’t have faith and always trust in my Lord, my God!

    • Marin says:

      Thank you so much for sharing, Dara! It’s so fantastic to hear examples of people who have been there, done that, to learn from. You and your family are incredible. We are so lucky to have you in our lives. Thanks for reading!

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